Tuesday, July 11

flirting still works!

Glory! The most unexpected thing happened today: I had a sort of normal cab driver. And I flirted my way into a cheaper fare. I don't think we're in Jordan anymore.

Here's how it happened - I was getting a ride home, and I told the guy I am a student from Canada studying Arabic. I wanted to know the word for problem, and I asked him, and I think he was really into teaching me Arabic words and telling me how to spell them. I refused to give him my name. I also think he was driving in circles to rip me off, and I told him I was only paying him a half dinar for the ride since we were lost (it should have cost at least one). We found my house, he said "dir balak, yahalak, and then I slept with him.

I mean, I paid half a dinar and he drove away.

Compare that with my driver this morning, who, when asked to put on the radio, popped in a cassette tape of Qur'an reading.


I am worse dressed and hang out with more unacceptable company than I gave myself credit for.

Last night I got shut out of Nai, this spiffy nightclub run by Howard Johnson in Amman. It actually is a pretty cool-looking place, and when we got there a whole bunch of Americanized Jordanians who studied outside the country were lining up outside the door, looking all dolled-up and also, slutty.

I was there with Naveed and this Australian dude who went with us to Petra. I think the guards let me through because they thought I was with the group of hot, slutty girls. When it came time for Naveed and Ben to go through though, they weren't allowed in, and I think the guards looked me over again and thought "oh, you are actually not dressed like a hot little number and we wish we hadn't let you in." So we left, dejected, to tool around and wait for a cab.

Work is still pretty average. Actually, it's boring and I hate it. Cheers.


At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm kind of glad you weren't (supposed to be) let in. i'm hoping it will keep the catcalls and whorehouse inquiries from going to your head.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just tracked your trek, and though you may feel like work is boring and bla blah- when you look back on this you will realize how incredible your experience is... it really is- i love your stories and your writing...i guess journalism is your calling!


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